Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English – KayiFamilyTV
In Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV, Osman is now in Konya! He is trying to put Mesut on the throne, who supports him. Sir, Osman is only imagining things. Gazanhan is in charge of the city of Konya. He is unable to do this. Commander Fahustus, you are right. Exactly. Underestimating the enemy is the worst thing you can do. Osman has the same ideas as you do. Just now, a group from Tabriz arrived in Konya. Do not.. Do not harm your soul. And answer me. Are you willing to die? Our swords didn’t have much time to wait in their scabbards, Tekfur Valens. We will hit from four directions today. While Osman is not here, we will kill everyone who helps him. Your Lord Tekfur, who are we going to send to hell? People living in the camps You! You will move toward the tribe of Kzlbey. You will wipe out the tribe of Vuldur. You’ll also kill Demirhan and Uraz! Commander Fahustus! I’ll take you with me. We will work together to destroy Osman’s largest unit. Today! Don’t feel sorry for yourself! The farmers’ wives are also warriors.
Kids hold grudges! When they grow up, they want to get back at you! And teachers! They know what to do in Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV. No pity! No one will be left living! You won’t be kind to anyone today. No one will be put in jail! Come prisonerBayindir and Mesut are these two. We can’t keep quiet about this deception. Time wasted. I manage a people, Nayman! So that this kind of deception doesn’t happen again, please! I’m going to hit all of them! I’m going to cut this in half. They got their hands dirty and did something. I’ll shake all of their dead bodies in Konya for weeks! Certainly, if the sultan lets us. What’s up! Fromwhere? How badly do you want the throne? What kind of chair do you mean, Aladdin? The only reason I don’t want you to do business with Nayman is because And you, Osman Bey. Is it your wedding? To lie about the fact that you grew up in their shade! Sultan Alaaddin. I grew up in Ali Selcuk’s shade. I became a good man because I grew up in his shade. What do you think? You went blind because you grew up in the shadow of the Valide Sultan.
Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV
The Valide Sultan doesn’t know the truth about how much she wants power, and she doesn’t tell you. Truth, truth. What my eyes show me is the truth! No one but the enemy is against me. You betrayed the great Seljuk king! My boss asked me if I thought it was okay to kill you. How I answer your question depends on what my leader thinks is best. When the sun comes up tomorrow, this will be over. Take it! Tendu, no one will be able to get into Konya until Osman’s head is taken. Osman was put in the cage. Soon, his head will be cut off. Commander Nayman, what do you have to worry about? We put the lamb in the box, but we’re not going to stop being careful. I will hold both the east and the west in my hand until Osman’s head is cut off. Song, you’ll be in charge of Tendu. Gazanhan can do something to stop him from being in charge in Konya. If he moves, we’ll use our claws to stop them before they get to Konya. Let’s go. Celali, you know where you belong, right? I know about your country! So that’s why you got to be this old. So, you worked for Konya your whole life in Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV.
Whoever knows their limits will live a long time. But this Osman didn’t know where he stood! Valide Sultan, please forgive her, but why didn’t we kill her right then? Turkmen don’t like Osman very much, which is a shame. If he doesn’t die with Mesut, it can’t be shown that he was a traitor. Water won’t be the cause of a quiet death. It will bring bad luck. Even after he dies, people will remember him as a rogue.Soldiers! Celali, but there is one person who can’t die in an easy way. Celali, you won’t stop until my heart stops beating. We used to be careless, but now we’re making progress. It doesn’t matter if you forgive me. God, please forgive this unhappy person. When I played all those games, you were there with me. Do you think you are right, Bayindir, just because you are standing in front of me in one? No. Everyone who looks can find, but everyone who finds has looked for everything. I never said that I was right. I said I ended up in the right place, Ismihan! I will only listen to your screams of pain, han lady. I messed up, Osman Bey. Who said Sultan Mesut? We haven’t lost yet. When you make a move, sir, you have to set up a game in Kurulus Osman Episode 127 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV.
Kurulus Osman English Subtitles
Serie: Kuruluş Osman
Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 127
Air Date: 2022-05-24