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Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English – KayiFamilyTV

How to lose Koprühisar! in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV, These swords were just for show for the great troops of Byzantium. If the forts are run by people who can’t do their jobs and not by the leaders, it will happen, Commander Sets. Commanders must first know where they stand. Are the Tekfurs, who can’t even protect their own castles, talking? You no longer have to be afraid! Ancient Byzantine leaders who have been in dozens of wars are on your side. We shouldn’t scare the Tekfurs. The Turks will be the ones who are afraid of us. You were there when our troops burned down the camps, Commander Mateus. We also hit the help sent from Konya by Tekfur Valens. How could Osman do something like that? So Osman was not given enough credit. Koprühisar was the price for this. Is Osman the one who has the Koprühisar Tekfur? No, Tekfur. Kopruhisar Tekfuri Osman does not have control over Petrus. In my control. Leo. Look what those Turks did to us! Anyone who falls asleep without getting payback for this will have their eyes gouged out. my friends. Those who dream about getting back at us will ask for forgiveness when they wake up. Or, when they wake up, they’ll be wearing our pusats. Brother, that’s how deep the sleep of carelessness is. Nobody thought we would be able to take Koprühisar. The fact that we took over Koprühisar will always show that we won. Osman, what do you want to do right now? It’s clear that my kids made this into a race. So that’s it, huh? You boys are curious about how I move. Ask, “Where do you want to walk?” Dad, you and I have different ideas. Let’s talk about where you’ll walk so we can keep track of who wins. Protect the princes, you guards! Just quit! Let’s just wait and see in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV.

If this shot hadn’t come from us, it would have hit us instead of the ground when it didn’t come from us. Guys, until I get back, think hard about where I’m going. Let’s see who comes out on top. Where will they take my father, Boran Alp? Orhan, I know everything my boss keeps hidden. Not these, though. My dad says that he is from our family, but who is he? Osman’s actions are too much. Our holy one, Tekfur Valens, is from Osman’s raid on Koprühisar. Have your letters arrived? made it to Tekfur Valens. My cousin Arthur in Teseru has put together an army of the most barbarian people, and they are coming. Commander Sed, what about you? The people I wrote to in Vidin wrote back. Tekfur Valens put together an army. They come to the blood to feed it. Beautiful. We saw that Osman would not stop, even if we burned his passion or stopped giving him help. He can only be stopped by cutting off his head. We’re going to do it. We will set up a meeting place for the armies in Kartalgozü. This is your job. What will Osman’s next step be? If we know that, ripping his head off will be easy. I’m hearing what you say. If he goes towards Kestel Castle, he’ll be killed. My soldiers are on watch in Lefke in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV. Byzantium had a lot of great leaders. Who will Osman go after next? When I look at the places Osman bought, the plan shows that he wants to break the link between the lower part of the Marmara and Bursa. Here’s a soldier for real. The place that was the most like this was Koprühisar. He wants to finish this and get Byzantium out of these lands for good. So, Koyunhisar will be the next place he goes after. If he gets this place, too, it will break the link between Iznik and Bursa. Byzantium had a lot of great leaders. And Tekfurs, so that you will be careful in your castles and defences. Brothers of the governor, get your troops together.

Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV

Commander Milus. When the troops come, Commander Sed, there won’t be a single Turk left in this land. It’s not enough to get along and stick together. We’ll make a promise to Jesus. Priest! “Until we breathe in the shadow of the banner of Christ!” “The sun of God will burn those who don’t believe!” “We will burn the nonbelievers with the sun of God! Heaven! Until it’s ours!” “Heaven! Not until it’s ours!” “We’ll make their lives hell!” “We’re going to make their lives hard!” Iswear means “I swear!” Iswear!”I’ll swear!” Iswear means “I swear!” Selamun aleykum. Aleykümselam- Aleykümselim Osman Bey. You may exist. Here you are, Osman Bey. Osman Bey, you did a great job taking over Koprühisar. Thank you very much. We now know where all the gates are because of you. You may exist. Where are you going, Osman Bey? The red apple is always our goal. But if you’re asking about the narrow time, I had a place in mind where Byzantium could put its feet up. This castle looks very strong. When have we ever had an easy job? Let Byzantium raise an army against us. We’ll beat them with our steel bodies! Osman Bey, they will always come. This is the fight between truth and lies. They will always catch up to you, even if you stop. But you can never find peace with lies. We’ll only go backwards if we stop in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV. Now you’re telling us, “Tell us what you know. Who comes? Tekfur Valens has told everyone who knows how to use a sword to follow his orders. Especially two leaders who were cruel. On his hands is the blood of many brave troops. We cut off the hands of people whose hands are covered in blood! But if you tell the leader of the army to cut off his head, congrats to him as well. Commanders okay.

How about other names? Men in Tekfur’s own group People in the office always wear masks and stay out of sight. But you are the one who is kept secret. No one else can hide as well as you do. How will they stay out of your sight? Osman Bey, evil is neither hidden nor easy to see. There won’t be any other kind of politics, but there will be a war. Without big armies and troops You say it’s hunting time. Gokborü is going on a hunt. Those who come to kill us will drown in their own blood.I will find Valens and everyone who comes after him. I will also go shooting in Koyunhisar. Don’t be afraid. I will get rid of them all. You may exist. “Thank you, Osman Bey.” Is she black? I want my doughnut, my lowflower girl. You are pregnant in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV. Do you think black nurses really Will I now be a mum? – Huh. Are his parents also there? – Let’s hope! Mashallah, my Alcicek! Whoever told Aktemur this news, oh God! I’m not sure. Alcicek, are you okay? No, Malhun hatun, it is no. Our daughter, Alcicek, is pregnant. Thank goodness, the babies are in pairs. I’m glad, Alcicek; your eyes are bright! God grant you health and happiness. Amine. – Amen if God lets. Thank you very much. I have to leave now. They had to wait for materials for the tents that were on fire. I have to give Aktemur and my mother my honey. Sure, go, but don’t go alone. I’ll give you some alps to take with you. Aunt Malhun, don’t worry. The Alps are waiting in the square for me. So, it’s smart to be careful. Gorgeous. Sons! Alps… We will march towards what hasn’t been taken yet. Our goal is……Koyunhisar.Koprühisar gave us the chance to take control of the road to Iznik. We hope that taking over Koyunhisar will let us control the road to Bursa. Hopefully. – Let’s hope. Sir, I hope you said we would have been spies in Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English on KayiFamilyTV.



Kurulus Osman English Subtitles


Kurulus Osman Episode 128 Season 4 English – KayiFamilyTV

Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 128

Air Date: 2023-05-31