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Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles

If you recall last week, Osman had followed Kuzgun to a mongol camp. Kuzgun is killed by Taylak Aslan for his unsuccessful mission in killing Osman. Taylak also kills the leader of the Mongols who is “Monke”.

When Osman arrives on the scene he finds only bodies of dead Mongols. Osman and his Alps also find Kuzgun hanging from a tree with a note tucked inside his coat. One of the mongols is alive and keeps repeating the name “Monke”. At the time Osman has no idea who “Monke” is but later finds out that he is Geyhatu’s son.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, The cutting down of Kuzgun activates a trap and Osman receives an arrow shaft in his leg.

The wound to Osman’s leg makes his progress in travelling home a slow one. He shares with Gunduz that the attempt on his life was made by somebody with inside knowledge. Somebody who knew that Ertugrul was coming home. Only somebody who knew how much he loved his father would know that he would travel anywhere to be close to him.

Meanwhile, Taylak has made his escape from the mongol camp and joins up with Cerkutay. (Cerkutay was thought to be slain by Goktug’s sword in Series 1, but as we can see he lives to fight another day.)

Cerkutay and Taylak have joined forces. Taylak sends Cerkutay on a mission to tell Geyhatu that Osman has taken his son hoping that Geyhatu in return come to Sogut in search of him and will kill Osman for him.

Back at Inegol Castle, Flatius finds his shipment of gunpowder has been stolen. All signs lead to the Turks. Aya Nickola is not happy about this.

Savci places the protection of the stolen gunpowder in the hands of his Uncle Dundar at Kulchaisar Castle. Dundar is told to guard it well.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, The plague which was introduced by Aya Nickola has progressed and many are dying. Aya Nickola’s plan seems to be working well. His weapon against the Turks will be time.

At the Kayi nomad, Taylak Aslan visits Ertugrul. He has told his sister, that his plan to over throw Ertugrul has begun. Ertugrul however is smart and already suspects Taylak and his sister. Ertugrul sends Hazal Hatun out of the nomad to take up her place beside her husband Dundar Bey at Kulchaisar Castle .

That evening at Kulchaisar Castle, Flatius finds the gunpowder store and ignites it. A huge explosion rips through the night.

Meanwhile, the drums of the Kayi Village finally herald the arrival of Osman at the nomad. Ertugrul hears the drums and his face lights up when he hears the tribe raise their voices in praise and admiration for their beloved Osman.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, Osman , although in pain has waited a long time to see his father. He limps in to the family tent.

Their first sight of each other is one of awe, not believing that finally they are together. They soak up their first sight of each other slowly and then embrace. Osman kisses his hand in deep respect and love.

Taylak also has arrived at the Kayi nomad. He is received in Ertugrul’s tent. There is a strained air between Osman, Gunduz and Taylak. There is a suspicion that he was the one responsible for trying to kill Osman. This does not go unnoticed by Ertugrul.

Taylak denies having any knowledge of Kuzgun’s activities. His apology is accepted by Ertugrul but Osman and Gunduz certainly do not believe him.

Osman is tired out after his painful journey and retires to his tent. He is welcomed by his Bala. She can see that Osman needs her attention and sets about tending his wounds.

Boran Alp is interested in Gonca and he makes a play for her. She accepts his attentions.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, Osman now gets ready to welcome his brother Savci. He has not seen Savci for many years. He has been fighting in the Crimea.

Osman knows that Savci is going to attack Inegol Castle for blowing up the gunpowder and asks to go with him. His request is denied. This is the first time that Savci shows his brother his attitude of superiority towards him. Osman feels a sense of intimidation.

Savci avenges the attack on the castle by entering Inegol Castle via the underground and killing their guards. The next morning the sight of his murdered guards infuriates Flatius and Aya Nickola. They want revenge and they want it soon.

That evening Osman and Ertugrul break bread together. Ertugrul asks his son if he finds the nomad prepared for an enemy attack. Osman believes they are well prepared but he would like to have gunpowder to add to their ammunition.

A meeting of the Kayi Council is called. It is the first time that Ertugrul has received all his Bey’s for a long time. They have many issues to get through.

Discussion falls on the plague, Gunduz Bey is nominated to look into the extermination of the rats and the disease.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, Kulchaiser Castle is placed in the hands of Gunduz and Dundar Bey is assigned to Sogut.

Osman awaits for his father’s decision for himself hoping it is the leadership of the soldiers. His father addresses him and gives him praise for his bravery but nothing else.

Ertugrul hands the leadership of the Alps to Savci his eldest son. This decision hurts Osman. He feels jealousy but accepts his fathers ruling. Osman is used to giving the orders himself. He now has to accept taking orders from his brother. The Council meeting closes in prayer but Ertugrul’s decision hangs heavy over some of its members.

Meanwhile, it has been a long journey for Cerkutay. He has arrived in Konya and is received by Geyhatu the Mongol.

Cerkutay is full of fear when he faces Geyhatu. He lies and tells him that Osman has captured his son and killed all his mongol Nokers. Geyhatu takes the news like a slap in the face. Just as Taylak Aslan and Cerkutay hoped, Geyhatu swears that he will find Osman and kill him and his family. Little does Geyhatu know that his son is already dead.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, At Inegol Castle, Aya Nickola and Flatius believe that a Turkish spy has been placed inside the castle but they do not know who it is.

Meanwhile, back at the Kayi nomad, Osman is filled with anger and hurt after his father’s decision to make Savci leader of his Alps. He rides out of the Village frustrated with his pride hurt. He rides far into the hills where he can calm his burning spirit.

Afterwards he arrives back in a calmer mood and walks into his father’s tent only to find Savci is sitting on his fathers fur. Osman walks up to his brother and tells him that he does not agree with him regarding Aya Nickola . He tells him that he is not responsible for the trap which was set for him. He believes that Kuzgun was given the order by Taylak Arslan.

Savci does not take Osman’s suggestion seriously. He tells Osman that he is impatient, brave and young and not everything that crosses his mind is right. He tells him that In future he will know his place and take his orders from Ertugrul or himself.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, Savci places a hand on his brothers shoulder but Osman brushes him away. Osman tells him that he has seen many come to the nomad with great ambition to lead the Kais.

Savci takes this as an insult and strikes Osman across the face. In return Osman strikes his brother back. At one time Osman would never consider such a thing but now he is not a boy to be put in his place.

A savage fight erupts between the siblings, they give blow for blow. The intensity of the fight takes them outside of the tent and into the full view of the tribe. Realising that they are now being watched by the tribe and their fight will lead them to believing that there is division in leadership, they have to make light of their fight in front of the tribe. They make the fight seem like sibling rivalry but deep down the brothers know the fight is very serious.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles, That evening Ertugrul breaks bread with his family. As they sit around the table he tells them that Geyhatu has left Konya and is on his way to Sogut bringing with him an army of mongol Nokers.

Ertugrul believes that an ambassador from the Kais should be sent to Geyhatu giving him their best wishes and to find out his intension.

Osman asks his father to send him but once again Ertugrul bypasses his son and elects Savci to go instead.

Kurulus Osman English


Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 30 English Subtitles

Air Date: 2020-10-21
