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Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles

Our episode concluded last week with the three sons of Ertugrul racing to their father’s side after Savci’s wife alerts them that Ertugrul was dying.

There is a power battle going on between Savci and Osman. Osman refuses to obey his older brother. The brothers love each other but their fights are more than just sibling rivalry. Osman is becoming frustrated.

Taylak Aslan still continues to have the ear of Savci. Savci cannot see that Taylak will do anything to take over the nomad. Taylak has invited Savci to sit at the Sogut council meeting. Osman has not been invited.

Osman knows that trouble is brewing with Aya Nickola and Flatius at Kuluchaiser castle. Osman wants to attack them now before they get the chance to become stronger. Bala asks him how he is going to achieve that when he doesn’t have any Alps.

Just as Osman predicted, Aya Nickola has enlisted Kuman Turks from Constantinople to help him protect Kuluchaiser Castle. Osman hates the thought of Turks fighting Turks. The Kuman Turks have betrayed their people and are not fighting for the Emperor.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, Osman is told that the Kuman Turks have captive the daughter of the Bey of the Kuman Turks. He has been told that they are transporting her to Aya Nickola. Osman takes it upon himself to rescue her on the road.

The woman is called Targun. She looks at Osman and likes what she sees. He is good looking, powerful and a Turkish warrior.

Osman is not aware that Targun is a spy and she never was a captive bound for Aya Nickola.

Targun is forced to do anything Aya Nickola wants. He has imprisoned her father and she wants to get him released but Aya Nickola will only release him after Targun has completed her mission.

Osman is told that Cerkutay has been seen around Inegol castle. He sends Goktug and Boran to find him.

A vigil is held beside Ertugrul’s bedside as they wait for his condition to change.

Osman tells Bamsi Bey and Abdurrahman Gazi that God has chosen him to be the leader of the Kais and he will not let people like Geyhatu or Aya Nickola destroy that. He knows his first step must be to take Kuluchaiser castle back from Aya Nickola.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, When Osman is told that Savci, Gunduz and Taylak Arslan are holding a council meeting in Sogut with all the Bey’s and he was not invited, he is furious and offended.

Osman makes the decision that he must lead the Kais himself before they are over run with their enemies. He is fed up with forgiving his brothers and uncles. His decision is supported by Bamsi Bey and Abdurrahman Gazi. He tells them if he waits any longer the Kais will be wiped out.

He heads to the Council meeting in Sogut. He is angry. He will confront them.

Taylak heads the meeting. He addresses the Council and calls for a time of peace. He also calls for leadership of the Bey’s as Ertugrul is desperately ill and cannot lead them now. Taylak recommends Savci to take the place of Ertugrul’s as their chosen leader.

The Bey’s question why Osman, Bamsi Bey and Abdurrahman Gazi are not present. They see their absence as voting against Savci. The Bey’s wonder how Taylak’s peace will be kept if Osman is not involved. Taylak tells the Bey’s that it was his decision not to invite Osman and Bamsi Bey as they have no influence on the Kai nomad from now on as Savci is the chosen leader of the Alps.

Savci calls his younger brother a rebel who wants to fight on his own. Savci tells them that this is not the solution and eventually he will understand this. The Bey’s trust Osman and believe that Osman is an army all by himself.

Dundar Bey tells them that Bamsi Bey is an old man now and his opinion does not matter and Abdurrahmen Gazi has only one arm. Gunduz is the only brother who sticks up for Osman. He tells them that Osman has won many battles and has kept them safe and he captured Kuluchaiser castle as well.

Kuluchaiser Castle is a point of interest to all the Bey’s. They want it taken back from Aya Nickola. They ask Taylak Arslan what he is going to do about it. He tells them it is not going to do anything.
Taylak does ask everyone to give him the power and then he will do everything he can. It seems like he has many on his side, especially Savci.

Osman finally arrives at the meeting after having to force his way in. Some of the Bey’s feel shame that he and Bamsi Bey were not invited. Osman tells them all that the Kuman Turks are coming while they sit around and talk about peace. He tells them it is not going to work and they will be slaughtered.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, Osman has no more patience. He tells them that it is time for them to make decisions, either they work together with Taylak, who hides his relationship with Mongols and infidels who are the enemy of the Turks, or they can join Osman who will not accept being chained and treated as a slave by his enemies and who will fight for the freedom of Turks. He tells them to make their choice or suffer the consequences.

Osman stands proudly in front of the Council of Beys. He tells them in time he will expose Taylak for who he is, a traitor.

Savci stands before his brother. Savci he can feel the power his younger brother has emanating from his body. Osman looks him in the eyes and tells him that nobody is going to stop him from creating a free State for the Turks. A State that he will build will be for the innocent people who trust in him.

Osman turns and addresses the Council. He tells them that he does not bow down to anyone other than God. He will fight for Islam and as long as the Turks are here they will not listen to Mongols or Romans. They will sharpen their swords with Faith and fight.

The Bey’s like what they hear. Osman stands up for Turks and God and not for himself.
He faces his brothers and tells them that if their decision is to go with Taylak then they had better not cross his path. He then walks out taking Bamsi Bey with him.

Meanwhile, Goktug and Boran have been sent by Osman to capture Cerkutay. They find him being dragged along by the mongols. They try to capture him but are attacked by Flatius.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, As Goktug and Boran flee the infidels, Flatius takes Cerkutay with him to Kuluchaiser Castle. They will use Cerkutay as bait to lure Osman to the castle.

Cerkutay is tortured by Aya Nickola. He wants to know who is the traitor in the Kai nomad. We don’t know if Cerkutay tells them that it was Taylak Arslan.

After the Council meeting Osman joins a group of tribal Beys. He is brought to stand before their leader and asked what his goals are for the future. He tells them to fight until he has a State for the Turks and not to give up. The leader blesses him in his struggle.

The next guest to visit the Bey of all Beys is a blindfolded Savci who is brought to the camp on horseback just as Osman did when he first was introduced to the group of Beys. He also has an interview with the leader and he is asked what he would do if he was to lead the Kais.

Ertugrul Gazi wakes from a long sleep to find Abdurrahman Gazi standing by his bedside. He asks Abdurrahman Gazi what happened with Geyhatu. He is told that Geyhatu was sent back to Konya and that he found his son Mongke. He also is told that Osman was responsible for saving his brothers life and for sending Geyhatu packing. Ertugrul tells his old friend that he has to make a decision soonbetween his sons. He knows his end is not far away.

Turgan is shown around the Kai nomad and when the tribal drums herald the approaching Osman. Turgan casts her eyes towards him. Turgan hears that Osman will be going to Kuluchaisar Castle. She sends a message to Aya Nickola telling him that he is on his way.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, Aya Nickola is excited that his prediction that Osman would come after Cerkutay came true.

Osman, Goktug and Boran leave for Kuluchaiser Castle.

Deep down Turgan cannot stand Aya Nickola and as she is a Turk she is on Osman’s side. she just hopes that when Aya Nickola receives her message he will let her father go.

Osman enters the Castle by the underground tunnels. There are soldiers waiting to attack him as soon as they put foot in the castle. This alerts Osman to the fact that they knew they were coming. They kill the soldiers and slowly move throughout the castle.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles, Osman can see that the interior of the castle is well defended by soldiers. He walks towards them. He is surrounded by soldiers. Goktug and Boran are nowhere to be seen.

Osman has a smirk on his face. He raises his arms in a gesture to give himself up which is not in character with our warrior. He holds two swords in the air and then drops them to the ground. He places his hands together in readiness to be tied. He makes no move to fight. It is as if it is all in his plan.

Kurulus Osman English


Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 34 English Subtitles

Air Date: 2020-11-18
