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Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles

We left Osman last week arrested by soldiers after he entered Kuluchaiser Castle. Osman had just told his brothers at the Kais Council that if they join with Taylak Arsland they will be doomed.

Osman is marched into Aya Nickola’s presence and draws a knife and stabs him repeatedly in the chest. Aya Nickola collapses on the ground while Osman makes his escape through a secret passage way. Flatius finds the stricken Nickola and takes chase.

Osman’s onslaught on the christian soldiers is savage and Flatius cannot stop him fleeing the Castle and making his escape into the woods.

Meanwhile Aya Nickola is critically wounded. Flatius is beside himself with the need for revenge.

At the Kai nomad, Bala watches over Aygul’s little baby with a sadness that she herself cannot fall pregnant.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, At Kuluchaisar Castle, Aya Nickola is alive. He has survived Osman’s attack and he is vengeful. He tells Flatius that he is going to kill the Kais and put their heads on stakes one at a time.

Aygul has followed Osman and fights like a warrior. She has changed into a woman who knows no fear. Osman wants to know what has happened in her life that has changed her so much. She tells him that she has a baby and the father was Alisar Bey. This news shocks Osman as he was the one who cut off Alisar Bey’s head.

Osman can see that Aygul feels shame when speaking Alisar’s name. Osman looks at her and tells her that God gives life and the baby is innocent. Aygul tells Osman that her baby has no name, seeing the baby is a boy Osman names him Kayialp.

Meanwhile, back at the Kai village, Hazal Hatun wants Dundar Bey to punish Aygul for trying to kill her. Aygul will never stop wanting revenge from the woman who killed her mother.

Dundar Bey has not seen his daughter since the time Alisar Bey was killed. He had no idea that she has a baby. Aygul has kept herself hidden from her father feeling the shame of being the babies mother. Selcan Hatun has cared for her and the baby. Hazal Hatun gets great delight in telling Dundar Bey that he is a grandfather and the baby belonged to Alisar Bey.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, The village drums herald the arrival of Osman, Goktug, Boran and Aygul.

Dundar Bey sees his daughter for the first time in such a long while. He looks at her sitting her horse like a warrior and is proud of what he sees.

Osman dismounts and goes to Selcan Hatun who is holding Aygul’s baby. He takes the baby in his arms. He raises him in the air and tells all the Kais that this is the grand child of Dundar Bey. He confirms that his mother is Aygul, daughter of Dundar Bey. Osman officially gives the babe the name of Kayialp. The baby is to be given the honour of the tribe and taught their traditions.

Bala watches as Osman bends his head and kisses the forehead of the little baby. He calls Aygul to come forward and hug her father who has been longing for her. Dundar Bey tells her that she should have never hidden from him. He is the one that has shamed her. Aygul is free now to hug her baby and feel no shame. She passes him onto Dundar Bey who holds him in his arms.

Osman calls Bala to his side and leads her away. She is so proud of her husband.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, In their nomad they share a well grounded love for each other. Osman tells her that she is his garden in life. She is his light and her smile shatters sadness.

Meanwhile at Kuluchaisar Castle, Aya Nickola gives Flatius the mission to burn Sogut to the ground. Aya Nickola believes that he has been reborn but not with spiritual greatness but with greater evil.

Savci believes that to be a good leader of his people he has to trust Aya Nickola.

Flatius leaves Kuluchaiser Castle along with Cerkutay on their way to burn down Sogut. They pass by the Holy Man sitting in a tree. The Holy Man sends a message to Osman telling him that there will be trouble in Sogut and Flatius is on his way there.

Taylak Arslan is in Dundar Bey’s tent. Osman is armed with the news that Flatius is on his way to Sogut. He enters the tent to find Savci, Gunduz and Dundar Bey in close conversation with Taylak.

Osman sees Taylak as an enemy. Although Aya Nickola has offered peace to the Kais, Osman will not fall into his trap. He tells Taylak that he stabbed Nickola to show him that he will not be shut out of Kuluchaisar Castle. Osman will come and go whenever he wants.

Taylak wants Dundar Bey and Savci to go to Kuluchaisar Castle in an attempt to make peace while he himself goes to Inegol Castle. Osman tells them that they are on the wrong path and they need to deal with Sogut before anything else and that Sogut is going to be raided.

Taylak argues that peace is what they want. Osman tells them that there is no peace and they are talking about something that does not exist. His brothers have listened to Taylak for so long that now they only believe him and will not believe their younger brother.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, Osman leaves them with one last comment. He says that when they do what they want and are prisoners of Aya Nickola it will be up to him to come and rescue them. He turns and leaves the nomad.

Osman immediately takes Goktug and Boran and enters Bamsi Bey’s tent. He has collected quite a few followers now. Bamsi Bey of course has his greatest respect. Osman tells them that they will protect Sogut first and then stand at the gates of Kuluchaisar Castle and make it their own. Together they raise their swords in approval.

Once again Ertugrul is given the news by Abdurrahman Gazi that Gunduz, Savci and Dundar Bey have made an alliance with Taylak Arsland while Osman continues to fight for the Kais and calls for war.

Abdurrahman Gazi says that Osman is just like Ertugrul when he was young. Ertugrul blesses Osman and hopes his people will bless the name of Osman also.

Targun is suspected as being a spy for Aya Nickola. Bala follows her when she tries to send a message to Aya Nickola. Bala watches as she speaks with a black cloaked man but Targun notices Bala behind the bushes and kills the man taking the suspicion away from herself.

In Sogut explosives are smuggled through the gates by Flatius and his men . They have arrived in disguise and have spread gunpowder throughout the streets in readiness to set alight.

Osman is not too far away. He enters Sogut in disguise also and comes face to face with Flatius.

Once again Flatius is beaten. Osman tells him that Sogut is his city and he has to ask for permission to enter. They draw swords and a fierce fight begins but Flatius is no match for Osman who eventually takes him captive. Flatius tells Osman that he may have stopped the destruction of Sogut but he will not stop the death of his brothers by the hand of Aya Nickola at Kuluchaisar Castle.

Whatever way they turn Aya Nickola’s soldiers cannot destroy Sogut. Bamsi Bey even finds Cerkutay in the tavern with gunpowder sprinkled like sand over the floor and stops him lighting the fuse. Cerkutay eventually is taken to Osman tied at the end of a rope. It does Osman’s heart good to see that finally he has Cerkutay.

Meanwhile at the same time as Osman is fighting in Sogut, Dundar Bey and Savci enter the gates of Kuluchaisar Castle. They certainly do not get the welcome mat spread out for their entry. They are ushered before Aya Nickola. They feel uncomfortable in his presence. Aya Nickola insults them both. There will be no peace talks today. Savci and Dundar Bey realise that they are in dangerous waters.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, The brothers are taken prisoner. Aya Nickola stabs Dundar Bey in the hand with evil delight and then they are tied up while he covers their faces in moulded clay to look like pigs.

Dundar Bey swears he will make him pay for what he has done. Savci spits in his face. Aya Nickola plasters their mouths shut so he cannot hear their curses.

Osman has had great success in Sogut. He has two captives, Flatius and Cerkutay. He now turns his head toward Kuluchaisar Castle.

Osman will have to be quick as his brothers are being marched through the grounds of Kuluchaisar Castle to their deaths. Both the men can see that Osman was right all along and Aya Nickola never wanted peace in the first place. Taylak Arsland had lied to them.

The brothers are led to two chopping blocks as Aya Nickola gets ready to take off their heads.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles, Aya Nickola is distracted by the arrival of his soldiers from Sogut bringing with them a wounded Flatius. It can be seen that the soldiers are Osman’s Alps.

Osman’s words must be going around in Savci and Dundar Bey’s head, as he had told them earlier that day that if they were going to Kuluchaisar Castle then it will be left for him to come and rescue them.

True to his word Osman arrives to save his brothers lives. He takes his whip and wraps it around Aya Nickola’s throat. He swears that the infidels will bow down before the Turks. He then orders the release of his Uncle and brother from the chopping block.

Kurulus Osman English


Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 35 English Subtitles

Air Date: 2020-11-25
