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Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles

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Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles

Kuluchaisar Castle is once more the property of the Kais. The tribal flag is flown from the ramparts amongst cheers from the Turks. The success of the raid was mainly due to Boran and Goktug who opened the gates for Osman and his Alps to enter. Unfortunately Goktug received many wounds as arrows rained down upon him.

Geyhatu had ordered Osman to attend the meeting and he will be angry when he hears that he didn’t turn up but then again Geyhatu knows that nobody tells Osman what to do.

Turgun Hatun, Bala and Aygul fight alongside Osman. Turgun hopes to find her father who has been kept in the dungeons of the Castle, Her hopes are squashed when she finds her father has been moved.

Savci, Dundar Bey and Gunduz are at the so called peace meeting with Taylak Arsland and Aya Nickola. They have no idea that Osman is attacking Kuluchaisar Castle. They are angry that Osman has not turned up for the meeting as requested by Geyhatu.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Aya Nickola tells Taylak Arsland that Cerkutay is now Osman’s prisoner. This makes Taylak nervous as he knows that Cerkutay will tell them of his betrayal.

Flatius has been placed in hiding on the main road to the Kai nomad and his mission is to kill anybody who comes his way nst especially Osman.

Not knowing of the danger Osman sends Ayaz Alp with a message for Savci. The message tells Sabci that Cerkutay has named Taylak Arsland as the traitor. The message will never be delivered by Ayaz as he rides into an ambush and Flatius kills him.

The taking of the Castle is a proud moment for Osman and he gets delight in ripping down the christian banners hanging from the Castle walls.

Osman tells his Alps and brothers that his father fought for freedom from slavery for his children and that is what they will do. They will continue to fight and they will not go back to slavery for anyone. He draws his sword and tells them that it is time to get ride of the chains around their ankles and fight. Their next move will be taking on Inegol Castle and getting rid of Aya Nickola. Osman takes the time to give his victory over to the glory of God.

The so called peace meeting comes to an abrupt end when news is brought that Osman has captured Kuluchaisar Castle. Aya Nickola’s pride is hurt. He swears that Osman’s actions will bring death to all Kais and the land will be flooded with their blood and Mongols. Aya Nickola rides away having had to retreat to Inegol Castle.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Osman prepares to leave Kuluchaisar Castle. He takes with him a hard fighting Alp called Genco Bey who comes from Karadag. Osman leaves the Castle in the hands of Bamsi Bey before he saddles up and rides for home.

Savci and Dundar Bey also have their pride hurt by Osman. They have been trying to agree to a peace treaty with Aya Nickola. Osman’s capture of Kuluchaisar Castle has placed the Kais in a dangerous position. They believe that Geyhatu will attack. Savci and Dundar Bey even consider turning over Osman over to Geyhatu to avoid a war.

Taylak doesn’t know that Cerkutay has already confessed to Bamsi Bey that he is the traitor. Bamsi Bey has told Osman. To try and get himself out of trouble Taylak orders Cerkutay’s death.
If Cerkutay is killed then Osman will have no proof to convince his brothers of his treachery. Taylak has tried everything to try and kill Osman. He has used Aya Nickola and Geyhatu to get the job done but still Osman eludes him.

Osman arrives back at the Kai village. He and his men honour their tribe by placing their right hand over their hearts. The tribe in turn honour Osman for taking back Kuluchaisar Castle but when Savci returns they expect there will be trouble as he did not want Osman to take the Castle and believes he has started a war.

Abdurrahman Gazi tells Ertugrul that his son has returned victorious taking back Kuluchaisar Castle. Ertugrul tells his son that he has had dreams and has seen him conquering other lands. Osman makes sure his father knows that he will not stop fighting for a State for the Turks and land for their children in the future.

Aya Nickola has retreated to Inegol Castle. His defeat at the hands of Osman makes him feel insecure. He now only has Inegol Castle left and Osman has threatened to take that off him also. He does not recall Flatius but still leaves him on the road ready to assassinate.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Osman suspects that Taylak will come after Cerkutay and try to kill him. He tells his Alps that they will be waiting for him when he does.

Bala and Turgun are two women that love Osman. Although Osman has asked Aygul and Bala to keep their eyes on Turgun as he doesn’t trust her. He has advised his family that he will take Turgun as his second wife.

Bala’s personal sacrifice takes it toll on her. She has given Targun her blessing to marry Osman and tells her that he is a humble man and his people look to him for hope. Osman tells Bala later when they are alone together to be strong and don’t let the gossip hurt her. He reminds her to protect herself and Targun.

Osman shares with Bala that he and Targun are working together against Aya Nickola and that her father is held a prisoner by him. This was one of the reasons why he agreed to marry her. After hearing what her husband has told her Bala is not sure whether she wants Targun is the right person to marry Osman as she entered the Kais nomad in the first place as a traitor.

Ayaz Alp has been found dead on the road. The last time Osman saw Ayaz was when he sent him to tell Savci that Taylak Arsland was a traitor. Ayaz had a note pinned to his body and signed by his murderer, Flatius. Osman swears revenge for Ayaz’s death.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Osman tells his brother and uncle not to be worried about being attacked by Geyhatu. Osman is adamant that he can and will deal with him.

Savci tells Dundar Bey that Osman said he would take Kuluchaiser Castle and he did. He now talks about taking Inegol Castle as well. Savci feels it is useless giving orders to Osman as he is doing everything on his own and he is certainly not going to do what they want.

Dundar Bey believes they could hold a Toy Council meeting and have a Bey of all Bey’s chosen at that time. They are sure Osman would not like that. Dundar Bay tells Savci that they would have to make every effort to keep Osman away from the meeting, even exile him. Dundar Bey finishes his conversation telling him that they may need to shed Osman’s blood if necessary to have a successful vote for the Bey.

It seems the Kai leadership has been split down the middle. Savci Bey is given the job of trying to convince Bamsi Bey that their idea is the best one. Beginning tomorrow they will begin talking to the Beys about the Council. Dundar Bey envisions himself as the Bey of the Kais.

Savci can see that Osman has saved his life twice. He has captured Kuluchaisar castle once more. He has saved Sogut from being destroyed by the black fire and his deeds have not been appreciated, even so Savci believes Osman needs to be stopped and just like Dundar Bey he sees himself as the next Bey of the Kais.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Meanwhile at the Inegol Castle, Aya Nickola tells Helen that while Targun tries to kill Osman, Helen’s mission is to get into Kuluchaisar Castle and kill Bamsi Bey.

Aya Nickola travels to Geyhatu’s camp. Geyhatu knows that Osman has taken Kuluchaiser Castle. Aya Nickola tries to manipulate Geyhatu against Osman by telling him that Osman disobeyed him and did not turn up at the peace meeting as he was ordered but rather captured Kuluchaiser Castle.

Geyhatu is quite content to make Osman the Bey of all Beys. Aya Nickola wants Geyhatu to join with him in declaring war on the Turks. Geyhatu can see that Aya Nickola is scared of what Osman could do to him.

Aygul, Bala and Gonca still watch Targun to see if she does anything out of the ordinary. They know that Osman told them that she may betray them. Gonca brings Bala the news that Targun is preparing to leave the nomad. The girls go after her.

Back at the Kai nomad there is a meeting of the Bey’s. The Beys are advised by Savci and Dundar Bey that they want to hold a Toy Council meeting to select a Bey of all Beys for the Kais. Of course this traditionally is not done while the present Bey of all Beys is still alive. Gunduz Bey does not agree in having a Toy Council nor does he think that Osman would be in agreement.

Gunduz is told to choose sides . Gundiz chooses to be on Ertugrul Ghazi’s side and will not break with tradition. He tells Savci and Dundar Bey that Ertugrul will choose the next Bey of all Beys and Gunduz will support him until his last breath. Savci and Dundar Bey can see that they will have stiff opposition if they go against tradition.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, Meanwhile Osman is moving Cerkutay and bringing him to the nomad. He is tied with rope and he is being pulled along behind his horse.

Taylak Arsland waits in ambush to kill Cerkutay and Osman. Osman is waiting for him and captures Taylak instead. Now he has both Cerkutay and Taylak Arsland as his prisoners but what Osman does not know is that Flatius is not too far away and is watching them from a distance. He positions his men ready for attack and lets fly his arrows into the unsuspecting Alps.

Flatius arrows hits his target immediately. Osman takes an arrow straight through his hand. Another arrow is placed deep into Cerkutay’s chest and many of Osman’s Alps are wounded.

Flatius releases Taylak Arsland. We will have to wait until our next episode to see what happens next.

Meanwhile, Bala and Aygul follow Turgun out of the nomad. They watch as she meets with an unknown man in the woods. The messenger gives her a note which she quickly swallows knowing that the secret might be divulged. She then comes face to face with Aygul and Bala as she tries to make her escape.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles, It takes no time at all for Bala to have a sword at Turgun’s throat. Bala is told that Turgun was observed being given a note but no note is found. Nobody saw turgun eat the note.

Turgun tells Bala that she has a secret that she keeps. Bala doesn’t know what she is referring to but she believes that Targun she has an ulterior motive to be at the Kai village and this involves Osman. Bala and the girls begin a journey back to the nomad taking Targun back for interrogation.

Kurulus Osman English


Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 37 English Subtitles

Air Date: 2020-12-09
