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Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles

Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles

Idris the Potter has been caught out by Osman as being a traitor. He is caught but before he can tell Osman who he was working for he is killed by an assassins arrow. Idris did tell him that his traitor lives and eats in his nomad.

In searching for the assassin Boran finds an unusual nail like object on one of the dead bodies. Its significance to Osman’s and his enemies is not known at this time. It is a nail in the shape of a fish.

The true assassin is Dundar Bey who escapes with the help of Petros the roman merchant. In the haste of making his escape Dundar Bey loses his ring.

Osman finds that the assassin used unusual arrow shafts. Osman now thinks that he is dealing with infidels but what is confusing to Osman is that the arrow he took out of the assassins body is different to the arrow he took out of Idris’s body. Indicating the real assassin escaped. It is clear to Osman that he is being drawn into a game and the traitor in his nomad is involved. He orders a search of Idris’s tent for more evidence to help unravel the puzzle.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles, Malhut Hatun finds Dundar Bey’s ring on the ground. She tells nobody and hides it from Osman and Bala.

Meanwhile, Dundar Bey finds out that the two roman merchants have an alliance with Aya Nickola. His willingness to betray Osman grows with every minute. Dundar Bey has gone too far this time and merges with Petros against Osman in the hope that he will realise his dream of becoming the leader of the Kais. When Osman held the bow string around his neck Osman promised him that if he ever finds out that he has betrayed him again then he would take his life.

Petros who has an alliance with the mongols will get Geyhatu to attack Umur Bey before he joins Osman. Petros does not want Osman to merge with Umur Bey who has a larger tribe than Osman.

In our episode last week, Aya Nickola has been ordered to present himself to the Emperor of Constantinople. He prepares for the trip.

Meanwhile, Goktug continues to spy for Osman at Inegol Castle. He gives Aya Nickola a set of documents belonging to Osman. Goktug saved these documents in last week’s episode and gave them to Osman but these are not the documents that the Roman merchants are after. These documents mean very little to Osman. The rest of the ancestral documents are well hidden and will remain safe with Osman.

Osman finds a small silver cross in Idris’s personal belongings, proof that he was a traitor. Bamsi Bey recognises the metal object as a sign of the fish. He tells Osman that only those who are close to the Pope wear these.

Malhun Hatun sends a letter to her father Umur Bey telling him that Osman has a traitor within the Kai nomad. She knows who it is as she found Dundar Bey’s ring.

Osman receives news that Aya Nickola is travelling to Constantinople. He plans to ambush him on his way. Gunduz is told to stay and protect the nomad and Dundar Bey has to stay and obey him. Bambi Bey warns Osman that it will be a great battle and many will die. Little do they know that Dundar Bey will betray Osman once more and tell their enemies where they will ambush them.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles, Selcan Hatun is good for Bala, she tells her that just because Osman may take another wife so he can have an heir it doesn’t mean that he has removed her from his heart.

Malhun Hatun is quite a clever woman. She knocks back the land that Osman offers to her father and their tribe. She sticks up for her tribe and negotiates for better land where the tribe can trade with fresh water and good grazing land. Osman appreciates Malhun Hatun’s loyalty to her tribe and gives her the parcel of land she seeks.

Malhun Hatun still has Dundar Bey’s ring in her hand. She hasn’t given the ring to Osman yet or told him where she found it. As she walks out of his tent Osman tells himself that she is a perfect daughter of a Bey.

The offer of land is made open to Selcan Hatun’s family and all in their nomad. Selcan Hatun is told to go and tell her family that Osman is inviting them to stay and they will have land of their own and they will have safety and security. Selcan leaves the nomad to bring the news to her family.

Osman and his Alps ride to do battle with Aya Nickola.

They leave their horses some distance from the planned ambush site and go further on by foot. Osman’s army is growing and there are many more Alps who have joined him.

At Inegol Castle, Aya Nickola prepares to leave for his journey to Constantinople. He seems excited about his trip. He has an ulterior motive as he has set a trap for Osman and the Alps.

Malhun Hatun looks for Dundar Bey. She cannot find him. She fears that Osman may be a victim of Dundar Bey’s treachery. She is told that he is in Sogut. She travels there looking for him.

Savci and Lena cannot hold Bayhoca back from joining the Alps. He is courageous and brave but yet still so young. He is allowed to join his father on the planned ambush and kisses his mother goodbye. Osman and Savci watch as he practices swordplay with the Alps. Both his father and Osman are proud of him.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles, Bala Hatun and Gonca do not trust Malhun Hatun. Bala feels that there is something about her that she is not telling them and it just doesn’t feel right.

Osman leads his men into battle. They quietly creep through the snow to they can take their enemy by surprise.

Aya Nickola with a small troop of soldiers march towards the ambush site.

The order is given to attack by Osman. Boran leads the archers into position while Osman moves his men on foot towards the infidels. Aya Nickola and his men are drawn into a small group protecting their leader. Osman’s archers picks them off one at a time.

Osman is attacked from the rear by Flatyos. Bayhoca takes two arrows and lies on the ground with his father bending over him. Savci looks to Osman for help.

Osman can see that they have entered a trap and he is surrounded by Aya Nickola’s troops of soldiers. He still pauses as if he is waiting for something.

In Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles, Osman can see that they are outnumbered and will be slaughtered by the christians.

Aya Nickola raises his sword indicating to attack.

Meanwhile in Sogut, Dundar Bey sits in a tavern eating and drinking ale. Malhun Hatun finds him there. He can see his ring on her hand. She is now in a perfect position to black mail him.

Kurulus Osman English


Episode Title: Kurulus Osman Episode 47 English Subtitles

Air Date: 2021-02-24
