Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles.

Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles
At the conclusion of last week’s episode Osman was lured into a trap set by Aya Nickola and Flatyos. Dundar Bey had betrayed Osman yet again and set him up hoping he would be slaughtered by Nickola and his soldiers.
This week the battle continues in a field where Osman is outflanked on both sides.
Osman and his Alps stand in mud up to their knees and can hardly move as wave after wave of arrows are reigned down on them from both sides. Bayhoca has taken two arrows delivered by Flatyos. His father is beside himself with worry over his son.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles, The only way out is the woods and Osman drags the wounded closer into the woods as one-by-one they are picked off by Nickola’s archers.
Osman moves his men slowly towards the woods and onto solid ground. He has lost many Alps. They move into a cave for safety and protection. They carry the wounded on their backs.
Osman’s archers keep the infidels from entering the cave and this move enables Osman to lead the wounded and his men throughthe cave and out into safety.
It is clear to Osman that they have been betrayed by the traitor who is living in their nomad. Osman swears that he will find the traitor.
Osman gathers what men he has left. He sends the wounded back to the nomad. He waits in ambush for Flatyos to catch up with him. He swears to avenge the death of his Alps.
Meanwhile, the wounded Turks return to the nomad. Bayhoca by this time is critically ill. His mother who is heavily pregnant is faced with her greatest fear and that is her son may die.
The sight of the wounded Alps along with the absence of Osman with the returning group leaves Dundar Bey to think that Osman is dead. This brings a smile to his face.
Meanwhile, Osman ambushes Flatyos and his soldiers in the woods. Osman’s takes Flatyos alive so he can interrogate him further about the name of the traitor in his nomad. As much as Osman tries Flatyos’s will not divulge who the traitor is.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles, Bayhoca does not survive his injuries and slips out of his mother and father’s arms and into eternity. To Lena this is the end of her life. Savci places his son’s sword on his chest and wraps him in the new flag of the State.
Dundar Bey is rattled when he sees Osman return alive. Both he and his wife Hazal Hatun now fear that Flatyos will talk and their betrayal will be known to all.
Osman tells Savci that instead of just killing Flatyos, he brought him back to the nomad so they can find out who betrayed them.
Flatyos, although beaten by Osman will not give up the name of the traitor. Osman orders that Flatyos is not to die until he tells them who the traitor is.
Savci and Lena cannot stand the thought of their son’s murderer is alive. Lena begs Savci before they bury their son to kill Flatyos in revenge.
Savci also gets pressure to kill Flatyos from Dundar Bey. With Flatyos dead there is nobody to tell Osmans who the traitor is.
Osman tells Bala that he has a fire in his heart which he can barely control. He has trouble with his own desire to kill Flatyos but the traitor is every present.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles, In the quiet of the night Savci and Lena creep into the prison tent.
Flatyos tells them that every time they think of their dead son they will remember him.
Lena tells him to burn in hell and drives her dagger into his body. Savci then takes his own dagger and thrusts it even deeper into Flatyos’s body. Lena finishes off her revenge by placing her dagger deep into his heart and Savci completes his revenge by slitting his throat.
Lena and Savci now breath a sigh of relief but their deed will come at a price. Osman strictly ordered that Flatyos was to be kept alive and they don’t know who the traitor is.
Due to the stress and emotion of the day Lena goes into labour. She gives birth to a son which is a gift after losing Bayhoca.
Bayhoca is laid to rest and a spirit of a bird takes his soul to the heavens.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles, Meanwhile, Goktug and his Kuman Turks have ridden into the camp of the black Shaman Mongol called Togay. He brings with him two boxes of documents given to him by Osman.
Goktug finds Togay a force to contend with. His attack on the Kuman Turks is savage. To save his own life Goktug escapes alone on his horse. He leaves the two boxes of documents behind on purpose.
In Constantinope, the Emperor tears strips off Aya Nickola for not taking care of the rising Turkish problem in Sogut. Aya Nickola has lost Kuluchaisar Castle and now Osman plans to invade Inegol Castle as well. There has been no victory.
Aya Nickola is brought the news that Flatyos was captured by Osman. The Emperor gives Aya Nickola another soldier to take Flatyos’s place, Efeistos Kalanos. Efeistos will accompany Aya Nickola back to Inegol Castle and help him deal with Osman. Aya Nickola is told by the Emperor that if he loses Inegol Castle then he will lose his head as well.
Meanwhile, in the presence of Dundar Bey and Gunduz, Osman swears to skin the traitor alive when he finds him.
Goktug was wounded by Togay the Mongol. Osman is worried about him as there has been no sign of him ever since. Osman sends Gunduz to try and find him.
Malhun Hatun requests an audience with Osman. She tells him that her father Umur Bey is nearly at Sogut. She asks him if she can go and meet him. Osman agrees but tells her he will travel with her.
Malhun Hatun seems disturbed by this and tells him not to bother. She tells him that so far only three people know that her father is coming. Bala tells him that Malhun Hatun believes that the traitor in the nomad is someone very close to Osman and where he goes danger will follow.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 48 English Subtitles, Osman has noticed that ever since Malhun Hatun has been in the nomad that Bala has been cold towards her. Bala tells him that she does not trust anyone who has no trust in him, even if they are a Bey’s daughter. She hopes he has a clear vision of the path he is taking.
Petros visits Dundar Bey. Dundar tells him that Flatyos is dead. Petros tells him that he has brought Osman a problem that he will not find easy to deal with. The Black Shaman Mongol Togay.
True to his word, Osman leaves his nomad with Malhun Hatun to meet her father Umur Bey. What he doesn’t see is the Black Shaman Mongol, Togay watching him from a distance.
Serie: Kuruluş Osman