Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles
Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles Watch Free on KayiFamilyTV, Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles.
The battle cry of “God is Great” is heard as Osman and his Turks charge the infidels. Kalonos and Aya Nickola are confident that they will have victory.
The Turks are relentless in their attack and to make things even better they are joined by Malhun Hatun and her Alps. Osman saves Malhun Hatun’s life in the heat of battle.
Aya Nickola retreats with Kalanos after he can see that he has been defeated. The victory is Osman’s.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, Meanwhile, Savci, Goktug and Cerkutay set alight the dynamite in the tunnels with Aya Nickola’s soldiers underground. The tunnels become their tombs as the dynamite ignites. Not one soul was left alive.
Osman returns to the nomad and the drums herald a victory. When God is on your side who can be against you.
Malhun Hatun returns to her father with the news of the victory. Osman was most grateful for the help of Umur Bey’s Alps. His daughter tells him that Osman Bey saved her life. Umur Bey is suspicious that his daughter has growing feelings for Osman Bey.
Meanwhile Aya Nickola retreats back to Inegol Castle where he tortures the commander of his soldiers for not capturing Sogut.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, Nickola is told that Dundar Bey was killed by Osman for his betrayal.
At the victory dinner that evening Umur Bey sits with Osman at the dinner table. Osman warns him that Togay has returned and like a snake he will attack anywhere at anytime. Umur Bey still wants to trade with Aya Nickola and behind Osman’s back meets with him at Inegol Castle.
Aya Nickola places a spy within Osman’s nomad. He does this by putting him into a group of refugees looking for sanctuary and mercy in Osman’s nomad. They have fled after not being able to pay the heavy taxes the Tekfur’s are demanding with some of these taxes going to Geyhatu.
Osman is merciful and orders Goktug to prepare tents for his new guests and to provide food for them. The refugees are non-muslim which means that more may come. He welcomes this. He can see his dream of an Islam State growing with the inclusion of these refugees. He is not unaware that these refugees could also be sent to spy on him so he tells Goktug and Boran to keep their eyes on them in case there are traitors amongst them.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, Aya Nickola is now left with very few soldiers and he knows he has to have an army of men to fight Osman. He considers Togay as a possible source, even though they are enemies and have betrayed each other in the past he has no other option open to him.
Aya Nickola makes the alliance with Togay. They send Camua to Osman to tell him that he should not have accepted the refugees without asking Togay first. Camua tells Osman that if he doesn’t give them up then Togay and Aya Nickola will attack the nomad and it will be war.
Osman will not bow down to Togay’s threat nor will he giving the refugees up. Osman prepares his Alps for a holy war.
Umur Bey can see a change in his daughter. It all has to do with Osman Bey.
Petros and Simon have been jailed at the Kai nomad for quite a while now. Osman uses Simon as a spy and asks him to go to Inegol Castle to find out when they are planning on attacking the nomad. Simon knows that this could be a death sentence to him.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, As it so happens, Aya Nickola kills Simon. He learns from the traitor he planted in Osman’s nomad that Simon and Petros are captives.
Osman only knows that he has two days before they attack. He prepares to go to war once more in his attempt to wipe the lands of the infidels but this time he has the mongols to contend with also. He will not give up the refugees nor back down. He knows this battle will have many martyrs.
Malhun Hatun wants to take her Alps to help Osman in his battle but her father refuses to let her fight alongside him. Her Alps are torn between obeying her father and disobeying her. They make the choice to join Osman.
Meanwhile, that evening Bala catches Osman burying his face in a pink scarf. She feels jealous when she sees this act and the look of warmth that comes into her husbands face.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, Bala needn’t have worried, Osman gently removes her head dress and takes the pink scarf and places it over her head. He tells her that this scarf was his mother’s. It means the world to him. It is a symbol of his deep love for Bala. This gesture reaches deep within Bala’s heart.
Meanwhile, Togay and Aya Nickola decide on the location of their attack on Osman.
In Kurulus Osman Episode 55 English Subtitles, Malhun Hatun and her Alps decide to disobey Umur Bey and join Osman in the battlefield.
Serie: Kuruluş Osman