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Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English

It is possible for Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English on KayiFamilyTV to render Rothshild completely helpless by using the clever strategy that he has developed. In order for Abdulhamid to get access to the data, it is necessary for Rothshild to locate the former deputies who were abducted and see to it that they are held accountable for what happened.

When Vembery makes an effort to take advantage of Rothshild’s desperation, Rothshild finally ends up betraying Vembery as well. Vembery’s attempt to take advantage of Rothshild’s desperation. The effort made by Vembery to take advantage of Rothshild’s desperation to find a solution. On the other hand, the idea that was formed by the one who is known by the nick name Lawyer leads both of their ideas to be made worthless in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English on KayiFamilyTV.

In the midst of all of this, British ships are inching their way closer to the city in order to get into position to launch an assault on it.

Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English on KayiFamilyTV

Abdülhamid chooses Mahmut Pasha in an attempt to save as much time as possible. While he had Vicinio Sander held prisoner, he was also successful in obtaining the map of Solomon’s temple. This took place while he had Sander held captive. At the present, Halid and Jorris are going head to head with Halil, who is their adversary who is on an equal footing with them.

Garo creates his own configuration, despite the fact that he has no knowledge of any of the component parts. It is quite possible that the pain will be far severe this time around in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English on KayiFamilyTV.

Shivenaz was then hauled away and incarcerated after being placed into the dungeon. Not only Bidar, but the whole of the palace, will be forced to endure horrific repercussions as a direct result of his nefarious attempt to rescue himself. Who will be the last person to fall prey to Ivenaz, and how will they meet their demise?

If Mahmut Pasha makes an effort to prevent the ships from entering the harbour of Payitaht, is he likely to be successful? Who exactly is the unknown legal counsel that Abdülhamid has been following for some time now? In the battle between Abdulhamid Rothschild and Rothschild, who will emerge victorious? / Qui va gagner la bataille? in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English on KayiFamilyTV.

Kurulus Osman English Subtitles


Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English

Episode Title: Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 85 English Subtitles Free

Air Date: 2019-03-08
