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Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English

Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English on KayiFamilyTV is successful in turning back the British ships that were sent to attack the Payitaht; but, Sabahattin, Rothschild, and the other adversaries refuse to concede defeat.

They start making arrangements for a new arrangement in order to remove Abdulhamid from his throne and put an end to the dynasty. Vembery puts an end to those who would betray him and makes steps to conceal his own betrayal of the group. However, Abdulhamid is resolute in his pursuit to expose the duplicity of their adversaries, some of whom have been assisting them up to this point and seem to be friendly in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English on KayiFamilyTV.

On the other hand, Halil Halid has a difficult time discovering the map that pinpoints the site of the Temple of Solomon. In order to do this, Jorris must first interfere with the games being played by Garo, Robina, and Vicinio.

Ivenaz is placed under jail once again when his father Rothschild offers him as a sacrifice, and a judge ultimately sentences him to death. An unanticipated turn of events will take place in the harem at the same time as Bidar is disturbed by the worsening of Naime’s health.

Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English on KayiFamilyTV

What will be covered in the peace teachings, which are another tradition associated with Ramadan and are conducted by Abdulhamid, while Bidar and Seniha are busy carrying out their Ramadan responsibilities? Will Halil Halid be able to honour his pledge to Abdulhamid? Will Garo have to pay the price for his weakness when it comes to playing the duet because of his love for Robina?

Will Abdulhamid, like Fuat, Ivenaz, and Rotshscild, be able to show that Vembery has betrayed them? in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English on KayiFamilyTV What is the next step that the adversary, who is becoming more well-known as a result of the setbacks they have suffered, will take against Abdulhamid?

Kurulus Osman English Subtitles


Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English

Episode Title: Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 86 English Subtitles Free

Air Date: 2019-03-15
