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Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English

Abdulhamid does not believe that Ahmet Pasha has betrayed him in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English on KayiFamilyTV but, he will accept it when he hears it from Ahmet Pasha’s own mouth… The presence of the Russian ambassador prevents any of them from meeting with the other. Abdulhamid makes every attempt to find a means to meet with Ahmet Pasha so that he may acquire the facts of the issue and learn more from Ahmet Pasha. He is able to circumvent the challenges that Zalman and Cavid have presented by making use of the sharp wit he has. Everyone present will be taken aback by what Ahmet Pasha has to say when he eventually makes his appearance there.

In spite of the fact that Halid has been successful in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English on KayiFamilyTV in halting the delivery of weapons to the Imro organization, he is now confronted with a further obstacle. Halil Halid and the other members of his team have a lot of work to do in order to organize the weapons exhibition that will be held in Payitaht. They have been given the responsibility of protecting the lives of people who deal in firearms by Abdulhamid.

Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English on KayiFamilyTV

The missionary work that is going on in Darülhayr-Ali is the subject of Bidar Sultan’s investigation, and he is striving to establish who is responsible for it. After discussing the matter with Abdulhamid, they reach the decision that the incident need to be looked into by sending a detective to the institution where it took place. Alsoin Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English on KayiFamilyTV, Naime is thinking of submitting her resume to Darülhayr-i Ali in the hopes of becoming a teacher there. Bidar, on the other hand, does not have a lenient attitude. In spite of the fact that he has not been given permission to do so, Naime continues to go to school. A severe crisis has developed on the fronts of Naime, Bidar, and Cemile as a direct result of the effort that has been put out.

Can Halil Halid and his gang be successful in preventing harm to the individuals who engage in the trafficking of firearms and ammunition? Will the historic contract that Abdulhamid and Ahmet Pasha made be broken at some point in the future? Whoever it was who betrayed Ahmet Pasha and delivered him over to his executioner, would they get the last laugh this time? in Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English on KayiFamilyTV.

Kurulus Osman English Subtitles


Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English


Episode Title: Payitaht Abdulhamid Episode 92 English Subtitles Free

Air Date: 2019-10-18
