Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles
Sencer in Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles on KayiFamilyTV, who was on the point of destroying Faisal’s caravan and capturing Rüstem, had Tapar stand in his way, and as a consequence, he was unable to achieve either of those things at the very last second. Tapar stood in the way because Sencer had him. Tapar and Sencer discovered, upon their arrival to the palace, that Arslantaş had been successful in his endeavour to bring Rüstem to the palace. This was something that Arslantaş had been attempting to do.
How was it that Arslantas was able to obtain control of Rüstem? Is it true that he was able to get his hands on a copy of the Book of Secrets that Rustem managed to take from Shelemzar’s grasp? Will it be revealed that Faisal, the one who abducted Rüstem and brought him along with the golden caravan in Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles on KayiFamilyTV, is in fact Batini?
On the other hand, Elcin, who was certain that Terken was responsible for the poisoning of Nizamülmülk and Seferiye, tracked down the location of the sorcerer who had lured Terken into a trap above Firdevs and created the poison.
Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles on KayiFamilyTV
Elcin was able to prove that Terken was the person who was responsible for the poisoning of Nizamülmülk and Seferiye. So what? There were two corpses where he had imagined seeing the wizard; these were the bodies of the sorceress and Esma, who had mingled the poison with Nizamülmülk’s prescription. So what? Where is the value in that? What course of action will Elcin choose after she realises that Terken has successfully captured her and it is too late for her to escape the trap he has laid for her to escape? What kind of surprise is in store for Terken in Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles on KayiFamilyTV, who is on the verge of being successful in removing Elcin from the palace by alleging that Elcin is guilty of murder and blackmailing her? Terken is claiming that Elcin is responsible for murdering her and blackmailing her.
Melikşah, who emerged triumphant from the battle and made certain that Andreas was executed as a direct consequence of his victory, is going to lead his army to the Kuvel Castle. Will he include Kuvel Castle, which acts as a check and balance between him and Byzantium, into the land that he already possesses? In what specific manner does he want to arrive at an agreement with Byzantium? What sort of shock is Meliksah going to have in store for him as they go back from Kuvel? in Uyanis Buyuk Selcuklu 15 English Subtitles on KayiFamilyTV. In addition to all of this, what would Sabbah’s next tactic be if he realised that Andreas had been sacrificed and instead formed an alliance with Markus? Markus, who has travelled to the lands ruled by the Seljuks in order to sow disturbance and prepare a setting that is suitable for the coming of the Crusader troops, will do what action as his first step?
Kurulus Osman English Subtitles
Serie: The Great Seljuks